The O3 Edge can be configured as a MSC receiver/sender to transmit MSC (Manufacturer Specified Communication) messages for further integration with EnOcean peripherals (i.e., the ability to send/receive Scene messages for EchoFlex lighting products).
The procedure to send and receive MSC messages follows the same steps as configuring an EnOcean, except in this procedure, you are required to create the following additional objects: MSC Receive, MSC Send, and MSC Raw Input Data/MSC Raw Output Data object.
You must first configure the O3 after which you can then pair the device, and follow the send/receive procedures to send/receive the data.
Configuring the O3
To configure the O3 Edge to relay MSC messages:
1. First you must specify the MSC FIL object before creating your objects.
Note: The MSC FIL object is not available by default in 2.3 beta firmware. You must create your own custom mapping FIL for beta 2.3. See EnOcean Mapping Files for instructions on creating a custom mapping FIL.
A MSC FIL object will be a default object in the 2.3 firmware release.
2. Follow steps 1-3 in Programming an O3 Edge for EnOcean.
3. In step 3, after you've created the mapping objects, create the following BACnet objects for MSC configuration:
- MSC Receive, e.g., BV301002 MSC Receive
- MSC Raw Input Data, e.g., CSV301001 MSC Raw Input Data
- MSC Raw Output Data, e.g., CSV301003 MSC Raw Output Data
- MSC Send, e.g., BV301004 MSC Send
FIL Mapping and Restrictions
Include an EnOcean mapping file (FIL), which can be selected when configuring an SV object.
In the MSC Send/Receive SV objects, select the MSC Repeater xml file for your Gateway Mapping, then click Save.
You can create a FIL object of any instance, but the filename must have the prefix "D1" on the front, i.e., "D1-xx-xx". The prefix is not case sensitive.
The FIL object's instance can be in the ranges of [3,100], [151, 200], [206, 1000], [1002, 1199], [1228, 410000].
If you make any chances to the FIL name, you must perform a device reset.
Pairing MSC source to O3 Edge
- Once configured, pair the EnOcean device. See Pairing an EnOcean device for pairing instructions.
The above steps can be repeated to configure multiple devices for receiving and sending MSCs from different applications.
Receiving a MSC Message
MSC messages are received in configured devices only. The BV object is used to know when a new MSC message has arrived; the corresponding CSV Object (MSC Received) displays the MSC message.
1. To receive messages, make sure the BV Receive object is set to Off.
- The default value of the BV object is off.
- The BV object must be off to receive new data.
- It reverts back to auto mode automatically once new data received.
- Users need to turn it off manually or via GCL to receive new data.
2. In the CSV Raw Input Data object, the MSC data value displays, i.e., 00 40 04 00 00 03 00 04 0.
3. When a MSC message is received, the Mapped CSV object is automatically updated with the Raw MSC Data and the mapped BV object is turned on by the O3 to indicate a new MSC message has arrived.
Note: You may need to reset the BV Receive object to Off. The O3 does not turn it off automatically.
Sending a MSC Message
To send MSC messages:
1. Set the value of the CSV MSC Raw Output Data object to the received MSC value (see above), i.e., 00 40 04 00 00 03 00 04 01.
2. Click Save.
3. Command the BV MSC Send object to On. This will trigger the sending of the MSC message.
- The BV object must be set to on to send data.
- The O3 does not automatically turn off/on the BV object value. Users must adjust it manually or via GCL.
4. Ensure the MSC Send and MSC Raw Output Data objects are set to Auto.
Monitoring EnOcean Packets (Optional)
To monitor EnOcean packet receiving/sending, see Programming an O3 Edge for EnOcean
Frequently Asked Questions
How long should the MSC message received BV remain on before turning off again?
About half a second (>two database scans). Under heavy BACnet traffic, data exchange between the device takes longer, so the BV needs to remain on longer.
Do not set it too long or the device receiving data will miss incoming data.
The MSC Receive BV object must be off to process new data. If the BV object is set for a longer period of time, other BV objects will also need to be set for a longer period of time in the GCL.
Does the O3 automatically reset the BV to send a MSC message?
No, it doesn't. You will need to manually reset the BV object.
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